Period rules

Period rules

A resource can define a set of rules that apply to all its shifts. The following constraint rules are supported:

  • maxDriveTime: the maximum drive time in seconds for that period
  • maxWorkTime: the maximum work time in seconds for that period
  • minDriveTime: the minimum drive time in seconds for that period
  • minWorkTime: the minimum work time in seconds for that period

Watch out with putting minimum rules to drive time. At worst, it will ensure higher travel time than perhaps

Period rules are defined in the rules array of a resource.

In this example we use a single rule:

"rules" : [ { "maxDriveTime": "10000" } ]
{ "resources": [ { "name": "R-1", "start": { "latitude": 50.923554431590595, "longitude": 4.890691212789399 }, "shifts": [ { "from": "2023-01-13T08:00:00", "to": "2023-01-13T22:00:00" } ], "rules": [ { "maxDriveTime": "10000" } ] } ], "jobs": [ { "name": "JOB-1", "location": { "latitude": 50.54963315022148, "longitude": 4.848855475505483 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-2", "location": { "latitude": 50.65910297910443600, "longitude": 4.007987934186738 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-3", "location": { "latitude": 50.324969095932296, "longitude": 4.010111317974326 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-4", "location": { "latitude": 50.53457539132416, "longitude": 4.69167867847318 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-5", "location": { "latitude": 50.94837893617721, "longitude": 4.001604640663746 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-6", "location": { "latitude": 50.89633806889935, "longitude": 4.45161298168845 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-7", "location": { "latitude": 50.48191907288704, "longitude": 4.311723085641562 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-8", "location": { "latitude": 50.1824046123600988, "longitude": 4.355240303516217 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-9", "location": { "latitude": 50.09960152277046, "longitude": 4.46586698360070229 }, "duration": 3600 }, { "name": "JOB-10", "location": { "latitude": 50.78868282668716, "longitude": 4.167956383823208 }, "duration": 3600 } ], "options": { "partialPlanning": true } }
{ "score": { "hardScore": 0, "mediumScore": -25200, "softScore": -6924, "feasible": true }, "trips": [ { "visits": [ { "arrival": "2023-01-13T08:44:54", "job": "JOB-6", "location": "50.89633806889935;4.45161298168845" }, { "arrival": "2023-01-13T10:21:25", "job": "JOB-5", "location": "50.94837893617721;4.001604640663746" }, { "arrival": "2023-01-13T11:55:17", "job": "JOB-10", "location": "50.78868282668716;4.167956383823208" } ], "resource": "R-1", "date": "2023-01-13", "departureTime": "2023-01-13T08:00:00", "waitTime": 0, "travelTime": 6917, "workTime": 17717, "serviceTime": 10800 } ], "totalTravelTimeInSeconds": 6917, "totalServiceTimeInSeconds": 10800, "workloadFairness": 0.5, "unserved": [ "JOB-1", "JOB-2", "JOB-3", "JOB-4", "JOB-7", "JOB-8", "JOB-9" ], "status": "SOLVED" }
{ "score": { "hardScore": 0, "mediumScore": -25200, "softScore": -6924, "feasible": true }, "unresolved": [ { "constraint": "JOB_DAY_INDEX", "score": "-7soft" }, { "constraint": "TRAVEL_TIME", "score": "-6917soft" }, { "constraint": "UNUSED_RESOURCES", "score": "-25200medium" } ] }