FILL quickstart

Welcome to the VRP solver API! You can test our API in just one command:

curl -H "Authorization: <<apiKey>>" |  \
curl -H "Authorization: <<apiKey>>" \
     -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @-

This will fetch a demo instance and solve it.
You can also solve your own instance by replacing the demo instance with your own instance.
Most of the time, you will want to solve your own instance.
In this case, you will need to create a FILL request payload and send it to the /v2/solve endpoint. You can find the
schema of the request in the Schemas section.

A FILL request will consist of employees (schema:employees) to be assigned to shifts (schema:shifts).


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Underneath you can find an example request, solution and explanation json.

  "resources": [
      "name": "Resource 1",
      "start": {
        "latitude": 51.0535,
        "longitude": 3.7264
      "shifts": [
          "from": "2023-08-23T08:00:00",
          "to": "2023-08-23T17:00:00"
  "jobs": [
      "name": "First job",
      "location": {
        "latitude": 50.8456,
        "longitude": 4.3526
      "duration": 20000
      "name": "Second job",
      "location": {
        "latitude": 50.8456,
        "longitude": 4.3526
      "duration": 3600
  "score": {
    "hardScore": 0,
    "mediumScore": 0,
    "softScore": -1655,
    "feasible": true
  "trips": [
      "visits": [
          "arrival": "2023-08-23T08:27:32",
          "job": "Second job",
          "location": "50.8456;4.3526"
          "arrival": "2023-08-23T09:27:32",
          "job": "First job",
          "location": "50.8456;4.3526"
      "resource": "Resource 1",
      "date": "2023-08-23",
      "departureTime": "2023-08-23T08:00:00",
      "waitTime": 0,
      "travelTime": 1652,
      "workTime": 25252,
      "serviceTime": 23600
  "totalTravelTimeInSeconds": 1652,
  "totalServiceTimeInSeconds": 23600,
  "workloadFairness": 1,
  "status": "SOLVED"
  "score": {
    "hardScore": 0,
    "mediumScore": 0,
    "softScore": -1655,
    "feasible": true
  "unresolved": [
      "constraint": "JOB_DAY_INDEX",
      "score": "-2soft"
      "constraint": "MINIMISE_TRIP_USAGE",
      "score": "-1soft"
      "constraint": "TRAVEL_TIME",
      "score": "-1652soft"

After this, you can find more information about the different endpoints and how to use them in the API reference.